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Data Licensing Solutions

Leverage Our Comprehensive Database

Leverage Our Comprehensive Database

We work with companies of all sizes to harness the power of our unrivaled database. This allows each business to reach a targeted audience while ensuring they have access to the most accurate data possible. We give you total control over the data and how to make it available to your customers. Exact Data is your trusted data licensing partner that you’ll rely on to help grow your business, lengthen your customer's lifecycle and see positive results in your upcoming campaigns

What is data licensing?

Often used by companies performing in-depth research so they can uncover new audiences or improve their service or products, data licensing is a way for Exact Data to give specific use rights of our entire Business or Consumer database to your business for a specific purpose. Data licensing requires a strict agreement regarding the purpose behind licensing the data

Reach Businesses and Consumers in the U.S.
Our Data Licensing Service Provides You With Unrivaled Data Quality

Use Data Licensing to Reach Businesses and Consumers in the U.S.

Through your data licensing agreement, you’re granted access to our comprehensive business and consumer data. Our demographic, firmographic and geographic selects allow you to quickly identify your perfect audience by targeting your consumers by age, ethnicity, gender, marital status, number and age of children in the household, interests and more. As your data licensing provider, we share invaluable insights on businesses across every industry that will give you the ability to advertise directly to whomever will benefit you most while continually spreading brand awareness.

Our Data Licensing Service Provides You With Unrivaled Data Quality

Our team of industry professionals routinely run our comprehensive database through a rigorous data hygiene process to make certain data quality is uncompromised. Checking into new movers, updated names or addresses, invalid business email addresses and deaths or incarcerations, they ensure our data is accurate and up-to-date. We’re constantly adding new quality contacts to our database to provide you with refreshed and thoroughly modernized data. Our data licensing service makes it possible to keep your list current and fresh at all times. Experience unmatched data quality with Exact Data.

At Exact Data, we’ll help you with all of your data licensing questions. Fill out the form on this page and a trusted representative will be in touch to discuss your data licensing needs.

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